
Posts Tagged ‘10 ways to keep water clean’

I’ve recently read the book, A Walk Around the Block by Spike Carlsen and, I recommend it if you are a geek like me that likes weird information about random things in our lives.

In the book he has much useful information, and I’d like to pass on his, “Ten Things You Should NEVER Flush” list (Chapter 7- Sewers).

  1. Flushable baby wipes. Even if they say, “flushable”, they do not break down easily and can clog sewer systems.
  2. Dental floss. Carlsen says, “It acts as a lasso, binding together debris that can clog sewer pipes and equipment.
  3. Kitty litter and dried poop. According to waste management experts, dried poop is like a rock and it doesn’t break down. Also, there is not enough water in the system to move the litter through.
  4. Bleach, paints and solvents. Can you say, toxic water?
  5. Prescription and nonprescription drugs. again, toxic!
  6. Cigarette butts and chewing gum. These have to be removed mechanically at the sewage plant- more cost and energy used uselessly.
  7. Hair. This is the same as dental floss. (Okay, I never thought about this and this one, I have been guilty of. Thank you Mr. Carlsen for altering me to stop this!)
  8. Tampons and pads. These too must be removed mechanically (do we pay these workers enough to do this stuff?!)
  9. Fats, oils and grease (FOG). This clogs systems and create backups. In London, a 15 ton clog resulted in a huge clogged mess in one city’s system.
  10. Dead pets. Nope, goldfish should not get a “burial in the porcelain sea”, nor should snakes or gerbils. They do not decompose before they clog systems.Besides, is it really respectful of your pet?

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